The CAEN PSAU is an electronic system embedding a power supply and a tunable amplification unit. It provides the cathode voltage for the SiPM detectors in a range of 0–120V with a 16-bit resolution, and features a variable amplification factor up to 50dB. It integrates a feedback circuit to stabilize the operating voltage (and, in turn, the sensor gain) against thermal variations and a leading edge discriminator feeding an internal counter. In addition, the system can provide a digital output with a tunable width from 20ns to 320ns. All parameters can be programmed and monitored via a standard USB interface.
CAEN supplies a dedicated mechanical holder, integrating a temperature sensor with a 0.1 °C resolution, which is able to host different two-pin sensors. Moreover, an additional holder interface has been implemented to house the SiPM electrical board connected to the PSAU, which allows to keep the detector in dark condition and couple the whole system to various characterization setups.
The following diagram shows the block diagram of the power supply/amplification system.
The CAEN digitizer samples at 250MS / s from a 12-bit ADC and can be programmed via a USB interface.
CAEN: https://www.caen.it/search/PSAU+SP5600