Detector housings and cryogenics
Here you can find three examples of CCD mounting on cryogenic systems:
CCD KODAK KAF 4202 (2048 x 2028 pixels) mounted on a camera for NEOs observation through Schimdt telescopes
CCD SITe SI404 Grade-0 (2048 x 2028 pixels) mounted on an Oxford cryostat for the Imager of the TNG
Mosaic of two CCD E2V 42-80 mounted on an Infrared-lab cryostat for the SARG spectrograph of the TNG
A new CCD camera, based on a 2048 x 2048 pixels has been developed at our laboratory with good success.
The camera has been designed and realized for the observation of the astronomical objects NEOs through Schimdt telescopes. (PIs. Prof. Carlo Blanco - Catania, Prof. Cesare Barbieri - Padova).
The main characteristics are listed on the following table:
The complete system is shown in the following picture:
Here you find some pictures showing the mounting of the CCD and the Zeolite (A5) canisters inside the housing:
Here you can see some pictures showing the mounting of the CCD inside a LN2 Oxford cryostat:
CCD E2V 42-80
Here are showed some pictures showing the mounting of the CCD mosaic inside a LN2 Infrared Lab cryostat: