CCD - Pubblicazioni



• ITANET CCD camera for Near-Earth Objects photometric observations

Gandolfi, D.; Blanco, C.; Bonanno, G.; Belluso, M.; Bruno, P.; Calì, A.; Scuderi, S.; Timpanaro, M. C.; Claudi, R. U.

- Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana Supplement, v.9, p.180 (2006)



• The New Generation CCD Controller: First Results

Bonanno, G.; Cosentino, R.; Belluso, M.; Bruno, P.; Bortoletto, F.; D'Alessandro, M.; Fantinel, D.; Giro, E.; Corcione, L.; Carbone, A.; Evola, G.

- Scientific Detectors for Astronomy: The Beginning of a New Era, Proceedings from the fifth workshop of a series that concentrated on optical CCDs for the first four instalments, Astrophysics and space science library (ASSL), Vol. 300, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 423-426 (2004)



• SARG CCD mosaic

Bonanno, G.

- SARG at TNG: Prespectives for the Year 2000, Proceedings of the workshop held in Padova at the Padova Astronomical Observatory, December 20-21, 1999. Published by the Astronomical Observatory of Padova, p. 33-42 (2000)

• CCDs for the Instrumentation of the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo

Cosentino, R.; Bonanno, G.; Bruno, P.; Scuderi, S.; Bonoli, C.; Bortoletto, F.; D'Alessandro, M.; Fantinel, D.

- Further Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging, proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific Optical Imaging held in Georgetown, Grand Cayman on 2-5 December, 1998, Royal Society of Chemistry, p.40-52 (2000)



• OIG and SARG CCDs characterization

Scuderi S., Bonanno G., Calì A., Cosentino R.

- Proc. Int. Meeting on Astronomical Technologies 1999 Telescopes, instruments and data processing for Astronomy in the year 2000, S. Agata sui due Golfi (Napoli), May 12-15, 1999. A. Rifatto and G. Sedmak (Eds.), Società Astronomica Italiana, pp. 5 (1999)



• Response analysis in the 300- to 2500-(angstrom) spectral range of ultraviolet-enhanced charge-coupled devices

Naletto, Giampiero; Tondello, Giuseppe; Bonanno, Giovanni; Di Benedetto, Rosario; Scuderi, Salvatore

- Optical Engineering Vol. 33 (08), SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, p. 2544- 2552 (1994)



• CCD detectors for the UV camera of the SUV telescope

Bonanno, G.

-  Memorie della Società Astronomia Italiana, Vol. 64, p. 365-373 (1993)



• VMEbus system for CCD image acquisition

Bonanno, Giovanni; Fedel, Bruno; D'Antiochia, Marcello

- Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Publications, Vol. 104, no. 682, p. 1252-1255 (1992)

• Characterization of CCDs with enhanced UV response

Bonanno, Giovanni; Cali, Antonio; Di Benedetto, Rosario; Scuderi, Salvatore

-  EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy III; SPIE Proceedings. Vol. 1743, p. 223-234 (1992)



• A CCD camera for the echelle spectrograph at Catania Astrophysical Observatory

Bonanno, G.; Di Benedetto, R.

- Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Publications, vol. 102, p. 835-841 (1990)


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