Progetti conclusi


Progetto Tipo Descrizione Raffredd. Temp. op.
Sensore Collabor.
Spectrographic Cameras Local CCD Camera based on a SITe 1024 X 1024 pixels (24 µm pixel size) thinned b. i. for the INAF - O. A. Catania Echelle Spectograph LN2 -142°C CCD  
Photometric Cameras Local CCD Camera based on a Kodak KAF-4202 (2048 X 2048 pixels, pixel size 9 µm) for the INAF - O. A. Catania 61-cm Shimdt Telescope Peltier -40°C CCD UNI-CT
Photometric Cameras Local CCD Camera based on a Kodak KAF-1001E (1024 X 1024 pixels, pixel size 24 µm) for the INAF - O. A. Catania 91-cm Telescope Peltier -60°C CCD  
Photometric Cameras Local CCD Camera based on a E2V 4240 (2048X 2048 pixels, pixel size 13.5 µm) for the INAF - O. A. Catania Solar Telescope Peltier -30°C CCD UNI-CT
Laboratory Improvement Local System based on a fiber-fed reflective objective that can be moved along three axis for the our Characterization Laboratory No cooling -- all  
Photometric Cameras Local CCD Camera based on a E2V 4240 th. b. i. (2048X 2048 pixels, pixel size 13.5 µm) for the INAF - O. A. Catania 81-cm AutomatedTelescope Peltier -60°C CCD  
Spectrographic Cameras Local CCD Camera based on a E2V 4240 th. b. i. (2048X 2048 pixels, pixel size 13.5 µm) for the INAF - O. A. Catania C.A.O.S. Spectograph LN2 -90°C CCD  
Innovative Detectors Local Photon counting system capable of high counting rates, based on Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) coupled to a CMOS-APS No cooling -- MCP + CMOS-APS IASF-MI
Spectrographic Cameras National Camera based on a mosaic of two e2v 4280 CCD (2048 X 4096 pixels 13.5 µm pixel size) thinned b. i. for the TNG SARG Spectograph LN2 -132°C CCD O.A. PD
Photometric Cameras National Camera based on a mosaic of two e2v 4280 CCD (2048 X 4096 pixels 13.5 µm pixel size) thinned b. i. for the TNG Optical Imager LN2 -132°C CCD O.A. PD
Innovative Detectors National Sviluppo di rivelatori in CVD Diamond per appliazioni in UV Solar Blind Astrophysics No cooling -- CVD Diamond O.A. FI, UNI-RM,RC
Innovative Detectors National Sviluppo di rivelatori in Carburo di Silicio (SiC) per appliazioni in UV Solar Blind Astrophysics No cooling -- SiC CNR - IMM
Innovative Detectors National Development of Monolithic Photon-Counter Arrays for Transient High Energy Phenomena and Adaptive Optics in Astrophysics (Cofin 2002) Peltier -20°C SPAD array POLI-MI, UNI-PI
Innovative Detectors National Arrays of single-photon detectors (SPAD type) and their scientific applications (FAR 33) Peltier -20°C SPAD ST-M, UNI-CT
Space Qualif. Detectors Space Study and test of suitable detectors for the AIRWATCH-EUSO project No cooling -- Photomul. CARSO-TS, IASF-PA
Space Qualif. Detectors Space Study and design of UV and FUV cameras for the UVISS project No cooling -- ICCD/IAPS UNI-PD, O.A. MI
Space Qualif. Detectors Space Study and test of suitable detectors for the WSO-UV focal plane imagers No cooling -- ICCD/IAPS IASF-MI


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